Sunday, August 29, 2010

Version 3 of the plans

It's been 5 years since we bought the lot and still no house. Katrina (also 5 years old) had a good to do with it... damage to both our house and my grandmother's. It took us about a year to get everything back in order and another 2+ to sell Mama's.

Now that all of that is behind us, we have been working in the past couple of months to find our plans, architect, and builder.  As of today, we feel as if we have found all three and are waiting to get the final plans (3rd version) this week.  Given that the other builder bid $80k more than ours and did not include almost anything in the allowances, I believe we are a day or two from informing each builder of our decision.

We are getting close... every step seems to take a week or two to get though, but we are making steady progress!



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