Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Pilings started on Monday and the crew was able to put 15 of them in before they were stopped by the Level Police. The water level of the Mississippi was just a couple inches too high to drive pilings... without a waiver... A day later we have our waiver from the Corps and back to driving the 79 pilings in! They should finish today and then it's on to framing the foundation.

Also, check out the video of the process at:


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Brick picked

We made out selections on the brick - Ketwood Brick (from Kentwood, LA) Gettysburg. We saw this on a couple houses in the area, and love it.
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Now we're cooking!!

All of our family and friends were very tired of hearing "we are going to break ground soon". But, now we can honestly say WE ARE BUILDING!

In the past 2 weeks, we have taken down the two live oak trees, filled the lot, put in the temporary power poll, and dropped off the pilings.

The pictures in this post show the lot as it was a couple years ago, through the fill process, and up to today with pilings ready to be driven.

Pilings start on Monday and we hope that by the end of next week we will have foundations formed (and hopefully poured).

Moving quickly!!

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